Is this really the best home for me? What has the seller not told me?

From flood zones to crime rates to commute times to falsified listing information, gain quick and thorough insight into the home you're about to buy.

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Buyers Diligence Review

Step 1 - Provide Some Information

Provide us with the:

‣ Property address.

‣ MLS Number or listing information.

‣ *Optional* Addresses of commute locations.

Step 2 - Get Ready for Powerful Insight

From flood zones to crime rates, our data scientists and industry experts will research the property across a 18-point checklist of items import to homeowners.

They will also perform a fact-check of the seller’s listing information, flagging any discrepancies between what they advertise and what we find in our property records.

We will then compile all this information into an easy-to-read report.

Finally, we will perform a professional review by a local, licensed expert, ensuring the report gives you the exact insights you need.

Step 3 - Receive the Final Product

Receive a detailed report including:

‣ A “Property Score” summarizing the results of our research

‣ Results of the listing info fact-check

‣ A review of our 18-point checklist (crime rates, tax history, sex offender registry, zoning designation, flood designation, home appreciation rates, school zones and ratings, local weather patterns, distances to local parks, shopping centers, and major roads, utility providers, commute times and distances (if included), short term rental check, rural housing designation, local air quality, and general property search).

‣ Supporting analysis.

Our Guarantee

Because we use both advanced data science and licensed industry experts, our products are more than a gut feel or the result of a simplistic computer algorithm. Rather, they combine the best of both worlds, guaranteeing our analysis has statistical integrity AND aligns with the expertise of local, licensed professionals. You can have full confidence that the insights we provide are not only reliable, they are the best on the market. And with better insight, success is just around the corner.