Should I buy, build, or rent my next home?
See the financial implications of buying, building, or renting your next property in your desired neighborhood, based on current conditions.
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See the financial implications of buying, building, or renting your next property in your desired neighborhood, based on current conditions.
Buy NowProvide us with:
‣ Requirements for your next home (IE location, square footage).
‣ Budget constraints, as applicable.
‣ Estimated length of stay in your next home.
‣ *Optional* your credit score OR a mortgage loan estimate.
Our data scientists and industry experts will analyze your home requirements against the local rental, home builder, and home purchasing markets.
They will dig deep, analyzing things like property prices, maintenance costs, and how property values are likely to change over time - all specific to your location and requirements.
They will then create a custom financial forecast, comparing the costs and benefits of buying, building, or renting.
Finally, we will perform a professional review by a local, licensed expert, ensuring the report gives you the exact insights you need.
Receive a detailed report outlining the following:
‣ Recommended courses of action based on your financial objective.
‣ Comparison chart of down payment, monthly payment, and potential equity.
‣ Key metrics for each of the various options.
‣ A dynamic spreadsheet with financial proformas and the ability to forecast various market scenarios.
‣ Supporting analysis.
Because we use both advanced data science and licensed industry experts, our products are more than a gut feel or the result of a simplistic computer algorithm. Rather, they combine the best of both worlds, guaranteeing our analysis has statistical integrity AND aligns with the expertise of local, licensed professionals. You can have full confidence that the insights we provide are not only reliable, they are the best on the market. And with better insight, success is just around the corner.